
April - May 1999

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After the project in Philippines was finished we made holiday in Australia visiting all the highlights which are in the tourist brochures: first we dived at Great Barrier Reef on a live aboard tour on Taka II, then we flew to Alice Springs to see Australia's landmark Ayer's Rock (Uluru) which we climbed, from here we drove to Darwin and we spent some days in the Kakadu National Park. The last two days we spent in Sydney waiting for our flight out.

1 Ayer's Rock (Uluru) glowing red at sunset
2 Near the rock
3 Stone wave at the base of Uluru
4 Outback road
5 Camel tour in the outback
6 "Devil's Marbles"
7 Young crocodiles at a crocodile farm
8 Our Toyota Landcruiser for the trip in the North

Waterfall in Kakadu National Park
10 This happens if you don't follow the advice
11 Termite mounds in Kakadu

Aboriginal rock painting in Kakadu National Park
13 Sydney

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