
November 1999 – December 2002


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    Im Herbst 1999 kamen wir zum ersten mal nach Singapur. Die Stadt wurde zu unserem zweiten Zuhause, wir kennen hier jede Ecke. Weil am Wochenende hier nichts mehr zu entdecken gibt fahren wir oft zum Tauchen nach Malaysia.


    We came first here in autumn 1999 and after such a long time we consider Singapore like our second home, we know already every corner, nothing is unexplored. As is not too much to do here for outdoor people like us, we go often in weekends in the neighbour country Malaysia for diving, at Tioman Island and Dayang Island on the East coast. Check out the photos of the islands and underwater world in the other albums.


    Din toamna anului 1999 sintem in Singapore si dupa trei ani petrecuti in aceasta tara-oras sintem ca acasa. Cunoastem deja toate locurile, nimic nu a ramas neexplorat. Cum nu mai e prea mare lucru de facut aici pentru persoane ca noi iubitoare de natura, mergem des la sfirsit de saptamina in Malaezia (insulele Tioman si Dayang) la scufundari. Puteti vedea fotografiile in celalalt album.




The Central Business District


Centrul de afaceri



Skyline at night


Zgirie-nori la lasarea serii



Raffles Hotel from colonial time


Hotelul Raffles din perioada coloniala



Seltenes Bild in Singapur: unrenoviertes Haus in Chinatown und Fahrradtaxi


Rare sights in Singapore: unrenovated Chinese house and trishaw (the most expensive transport here)


Imagini rare in Singapore: case vechi si trishaw-taxi (cea mai scumpa forma de transport)



Thaipusam – das wichtigste religioese Fest der Inder


Thaipusam is the most important Indian religious celebration


Thaipusam e cea mai importanta sarbatoare religioasa pentru indieni



Toepfe voll Milch haengen an Haecken in der Haut.


A Thaipusam participant carying pots full of milk hanging on hooks piercing his skin


Un participant la Thaipusam cara vase pline cu lapte, care sint agatate de pielea spatelui cu cirlige metalice









Ein Sonnenvogel im Botanischen Garden (ca. 6 cm)


A sunbird in Botanical Garden


Pasare in miniatura in Gradina Botanica (aprox. 6 cm)



Orchid in Botanical Garden



Libelle in einem der Nationalparks


Dragonfly in one of the nature reserve


Libelula in unul din parcuri



Gut und billig - Strassenkuechen


Hawker eatery – good food, low prices


Hawker – gen fast-food, se maninca ieftin si bine



Alte chinesische Handelshaeuser


Old style Chinese houses


Case cu arhitectura coloniala



Unsere Wohnung


Our appartment


Apartamentul nostru


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