
Gran Canary

1st - 8th December 2013

After diving in Lanzarote in 2006 and Tenerife in 2011 we gave Gran Canary a try.
Our son we left with his grandmother so we were free check out the underwater world in Playa de Mogan

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Up this stairs to our room

View from the hill above our appartment.

We made many walks in the Yacht Harbor.

Our favorite fish restaurant – Grilled Canary Style with Canarian Potatoes and Mojo

The wreck in front of the harbor – you can see here sometimes a tourist-submarine crossing, we just heard it.

With the visibility we had bad luck as it had rained some time.

Cleaner Shrimp and Spider Crab with an Anemone

Trumpet Fish

Highlight was this dive site at 30m with this huge fish swarm.

Rock Lobster

Scorpion Fish

Arcades near the harbour.

Cat dreaming of fish.

And our last day we took a great private sailing tour.


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