24.08. - 10.09.2013

After considering it for many years we finally got our Iceland tour.
At the very end of the Summer we took a camper and went
one time clockwise around the Island. At time already a bit cold, caught also
some rain but enjoined the far north and Aurora Borealis a lot.

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Village of Arnarstapi in Snaefellsnes Peninsula (West Island). In the background is the Glacier of Snaefellsnessjökull.

Granit cliffs and wild waves of the North Atlantic

Vikinger House

Farm at the base of volcanic mountains

Rainbow and sheeps

View from our campervan window.

Bathing in a natural hot pool, outside temperature 6 degrees

300 years old church

Landscape in Iceland

Godafoss waterfall in North Iceland


Hot spring baths at Myvatn

Vents, volcanos and bubbling ponds at Myvatn

Volcanic lake at Krafla

Detifoss waterfall in Vesturdalur­

Horizontal granit columns


Lava formations

Dry fish in the port of Husavik


Whale watching

Humpback whale

Stormy skies over Skjalfandi

Arctic poppy flower

Beautifull aurora borealis in North Iceland

Aurora borealis over Raufarhofn

Interesting landscapes at a long walk at Kolbeinstangi

Iceland sheep

Mushrooms, more than you can eat. (Birch Boletus / Birkenpilz)

Empty road in a volcanic landscape

Finaly the Higland, a Stretch of the old Ring Road

Volcanos, ash, hardened lava

Again aurora borealis seen in Eastern Iceland

One of the Eastern fjords

Iceland horse

On the way to Vatnajökull

Glacial sea Jökulsarlon

Eisberg on the glacial sea

Skogafoss waterfall in the South

Fresh snow in August

Light tower at the most northern point of mainland Iceland at Rifstangi, 66°22'N

Tundra vegetation

What is that? Arctic Henge at Raufarhöfn

Last day of the holiday on the way to the airport

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